Parish Life: Candlelight Dinner Theater

Parish Life is sponsoring a trip to the Candlelight Dinner Theater to see the play It's a Wonderful Life on Friday, December 1st.  The cost is 58.00 per person (Please write "Candlelight" on the check), payable to Christ Episcopal Church.  We will be leaving the parking lot around 3:30 that day, and Mike will be driving […]

DIMH dinner in Parish Hall

Jeanine Kleimo will be leading a group from the Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing in a dinner event in the Parish Hall.

Parish Life Movie Night: The Polar Express

Parish Life will be offering pizza and we will be showing "The Polar Express."  Pizza and Popcorn will be available at 5:00 PM in the Parish Hall, with the film shortly after at 5:30.  Bring the kids and grandkids for a fun film and evening!