Events at Christ Church

You're Invited!

The parish life committee holds events during the year such as monthly movie nights and trivia nights. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner, Oktoberfest, Pentecost Picnic, and Super Bowl Chili. Soup and Cornbread Contests are held as well. Below are a few of our events. For more information, contact or click here to view calendar.

Christ Church Name That Tune

Please join us at 6:00 PM on April 25 to “Name That Tune”.  Heavy hors d’oeuvre’s will be served.  Water, tea, etc. will be available.  Wine and Beer will be available for a donation.

Bring your friends, the more the merrier!!!

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Please join us for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on March 4, 2025, at 5:00 PM in the Parish Hall.  You don’t want to miss the superb pancakes.

Epiphany Potluck Luncheon

The Parish enjoyed a potluck Epiphany Potluck luncheon on Sunday, January 5, 2025, after the 10:00 Service.  

Christ Church held a Scavenger Hunt in the Church Yard and Cemetery on September 8, 2024.  This was enjoyed by all who participated.
St. Paddy's Day

Our annual St. Paddy’s Day Brunch is always a hit with plenty of food, decorations, Irish music and folks dressing for the occasion.