We Give at Christ Church

Many ways of giving

Giving to Christ Church

Online donation. Click here to give an online donation via PayPal.

Matthew 25 Bags

This project reflects a line from Matthew 25: “Whatever you do for the least of your brothers, you do unto me.” Parishioners fill bags with donated items such as deodorant, socks, snacks, toiletries, and take them to people who are homeless.It’s a great way to help others! If you’d like to help with this, contact  Archdeacon Pat Malcolm.

Redner's Receipts

You’ll see a box on our church porch with “Redner’s Receipts” on it. If you choose to shop at Redner’s, bring in your receipts! We turn them back in, and a percentage goes to support Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing

Murphey school

As part of our partnership with the Murphey School, we are able–with the help of the Diocese of Delaware–to help the residents, including shopping for their own shoes.  Here they are posing.  

Brown Bag Lunches

Along with other groups in the area, we are providing 50 brown bag lunches each month to a resource center  for the homeless and less fortunate persons in our area. Each brown bag has a hand-written note of support and welcome.  If you would like to participate, contact Karen Roberts.

Support to DIMH

Delaware Interfaith Mission for Housing (DIMH) is a men’s shelter here in Dover. Our parish was actively involved in its founding in 2008. We provide meals on occasion, assist at the DIMH Resource Center, and offer other support. Contact Jeanine Kleimo for more information.

Bill and Addie WEbb Music Fund

A fund for our music programs, given in the honor of two beloved choir members, Bill and Addie Webb.

Endowment Funds

People may decide to leave funds to Christ Church after death.